Tag: ricercascientifica
Sostieni la ricerca scientifica genuina, sostieni attività cliniche pensate per chi non può permetterselo, FIRMA il tuo 5×1000 per l’Osteopatia
Le case farmaceutiche hanno ricevuto circa 4 miliardi di euro per realizzare la ricerca sul vaccino per il SarsCov2. Come ringraziamento abbiamo avuto, in alcuni casi, vendite di dosi anche a oltre 16 €, poi aumentate sino ai quasi 19 €. Il Governo Italiano per contenere il rialzo dei prezzi dell’energia ha tassato gli extra-profitti ...
Triflex Materassi Sulmona e AbeOS Raiano hanno siglato un protocollo d’intesa per uno studio sul sonno
Qualche giorno fa, su questo blog, avevamo annunciato l’accordo tra l’azienda Triflex Materassi di Sulmona e il Dipartimento di Ricerca della Scuola di Osteopatia AbeOS di Raiano (puoi cliccare qui per approfondire). Se si incontrano un’attività che da molti anni lavora nell’ambito del riposo producendo materassi, cuscini e accessori per il buon dormire, con un ...
La Triflex Materassi di Sulmona dona 500 € al Dipartimento di Ricerca di Raiano per lo studio sulla qualità del sonno
L’azienda di Sulmona Triflex Materassi ha deciso di sostenere il Dipartimento di Ricerca (DR) della Scuola di Osteopatia AbeOS di Raiano nella realizzazione di uno studio scientifico sulla qualità del sonno. La fabbrica peligna, nata quaranta anni fa dallo spirito del Cavaliere Sebastiano Tricarico, opera nel settore produzione materassi dal 1960. E’ probabilmente con questo humus, ...
Osteopathy de- Still -ed
di Maximilien Girardin Proposal of a tool, permitting a new consensus platform, touching the actual drifts of Osteopathy in Europe and the World General introduction Following the incontestable drifts, noticed since several years in the Osteopathic profession, the authors started subsequently a research, as to the possible causes of these drifts since the 90’s. After ...
Cranial Bones & Sutures & Fascia, another popular demand
di Maximilien Girardin This pony we catch on the run, grasp it by the manes and jump up like a Cossack, because actually all that concerns this was already said in previous articles…or as good as anyway, at least on the level of the principles. If you want to reconstruct the whole story this is the ...
The Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy
By Richard Douglas 1902. Kansas City, MO In the case of a nine-year-old boy with wonky teeth. 1. The Mechanical Principles of modern Osteopathy As mentioned in Part I, when we look at the websites of our osteopathic teaching institutions around the world, you will find the following list of osteopathic principles that we must ...
Osteoporosis mischaracterisations
di Maximilien Girardin Let us reason, instead of just run blindly behind linear fantasized twisted fallacies, on a straight road but on the wrong track, in my opinion…. Thus the top slide is a hoax in my mind….that most swallow without even stopping a second to reason over it…because like in every good hoax: not all ...
Visceral Form and the ultrasound verification
Di Maximilian Girardin Elephantastic and bombastic fluidic osteopathy (EvOst) Some summers ago, this author was asked to give a course about visceral osteopathic topographical recognition and diagnostic. The first premise for this author to accept to do this course was that the last day of the course, an experienced ultrasound technician with a functioning modern ultrasound ...
Visceral Surgery & Osteopathy
di Maximilien Girardin consultant Maximilien Girardin D.O.m.R.O., Evost Fellow, Prosector Anatomist. The most common complications after abdominal or pelvic surgeries are the peritoneal adhesions in at least 90% of the cases. It was demonstrated that the healing mechanisms of the peritoneum differs from that of the skin. Even if this tissue looks like an epithelium, it reacts ...
Is anxiety ‘the main brake’ to the developmental expression of people with trisomy 21?
di Maximilien Girardin Abstract A clinical pre study was initiated, on five adult, profoundly poly-handicapped patients, which demonstrated no evolution, since five years in a row. The objective was to investigate the eventual quantifiable effects of an Evolutionary Osteopathic approach in treatment, of their psychomotor, social and emotional evolution. The outcome suggests that anxiety is a major ...