Tag: sportcongress

The program of the O.I.A. congress of 11, 12 September is published: and the site flies to over 1000 views in one day

There seems to be a very high interest in the O.I.A. Congress “Osteopathy and Sport: when, how and why”, scheduled for the dates of 11 and 12 of September on an online platform. After the call for paper, submitted to the Scientific Committee all the work received, obtained the evaluations from the same committee; it ...

O.I.A. congress “Osteopathy and Sports”, Sofia (Bulgaria) of 19 and 20 September: the deadline for submissions of reports and posters to 20 April

The international health emergency is changing our lives at this start of 2020, with the hopes that it doesn’t change too much in the following months. Everything has to adapt to the new situation that has arisen and the O.I.A. (Osteopathic International Academy – https://osteopathicacademy.eu/)  congress “Osteoapathy and Sport, when, how and why ” is no ...

Presentato il logo del congresso OIA di Sofia sull’osteopatia nello sport, già aperto il call for paper

Pubblicato sul sito OIA (Osteopathic International Academy – https://osteopathicacademy.eu/) il logo per il congresso del 19 e 20 settembre a Sofia (Bulgaria) intitolato Osteopathy and Sport – when, how and why (https://osteopathicacademy.eu/international-congress/ ). La realizzazione, opera di Marialucia Turatti, è stata commissionata da Marcello Luca Marasco, Coordinatore Scientifico con funzioni di CEO per OIA oltre ...